Adele Reising
My Acupuncture, Adele Reising, offered to trade acupuncture for Digital and site work. So obviously i said yes! Her site requirements were clear. A classy website, with a place to post all her thoughts on Medicine and Acupuncture, and then the classic normal site requirements: images, directions, about, testimonials, etc and most importantly wanted to make sure that when someone put her name in google that she was first in the natural search results.
To begin with she had a single crappy flash page with her name of it made by the agency who made her business card so her site was #22 for the google results for her name.
Though I do this type of work everyday around the world, but it was fun to have total control over all parts, versus having a team. So after the common travails and all nighters with my wordpress hack for her site, i spent a good time doing all sorts SEO stuff that i had always prescribed others to do. Mostly this meant updating all her contact info across all places in the web with the sites URL and contact info from facebook to the yellow pages, creating the yelp entry, commenting on blogs with her info (she is mentioned by one of her clients on Charlie Rose - so there where all these wonderful blog questions about her i could answer and direct users to her site). Within two-weeks she could put her name in google and come up first. It was so refreshing that Google actually worked as advertised, with History, Bio and CI we spend so much time complaining and being fearful of the google algorithm, that it was great to see the result we wanted in such a quick turnaround.