Conference Questions
I'm secretly running a digital marketing session for an internal conference. Secretly since I wrote the description and all questions, chose the panelists, etc. Marketing was supposed to take the lead on this one, but inevitably they had no one "digital focused" so it fell to me. It's going to be a moderated open panel discussion format to a bunch of SVPs of Marketing and General Managers. It should be interesting since more and more of my job is working with Marketing to optimize their thinking for digital. Even more so, I ask and answer these questions daily, sometimes to people on the panel. I wonder if they will give a straight answer.
More and more the digital ecosystem is where people interact with our A+E brand portfolio. While the challenge continues to be how to put our brand in the right place, in front of the right customer at the right time, we now have multiple devices, platforms and tools to make this happen.
Furthermore, since audience engagement with Ice Road Truckers or Storage Wars no longer ends when the credits roll, but continues onto the web and all the platforms and devices it touches, how has this caused the engagement and brand conversations to change? What content, marketing and promotional strategies have shifted to meet this engagement need? How can A+E brands use these tools and assets to drive viewer engagement and ultimately viewership? Finally, what are the challenges to integrating the traditional tools with the ever-expanding digital option in our marketing arsenal?
1. Why Digital Marketing
- What are you using to engage viewers digitally?
- What are you aiming to achieve with digital activity? Ratings alone? Other measures of success or outcomes?
- What viewers are you targeting through digital? Where are these viewers? Are they channel loyalists or more outer core?
- Can there be too much digital marketing at the costs of other mediums?
2. How to Digitalize the Brand
How does Marketing make the transition from call-to-action consumer marketing - watching a particular show at particular time - to engaging the brand with audiences continuously
- How can on air convergent throws be used efficiently with digital media
- What is a modern "360" Campaign? Is it even worth speaking about anymore?
- How do you maximize the value of search, display and social marketing? What's the value of these versus traditional formats - print, outdoor, and TV?
- How do you use viral content? How do you seed content in the digital ecosystem?
- What is a good promo now that it is no longer tied to the TV medium? Has digital usage changed your approach to making promo materials? Is there value in putting promos everywhere on the web? Does it hurt the message or enhance?
3. Metric of Success: Building Brand, Building Sites
- How to you measure display success? Is it effective? What is the most effective way to generate ‘click throughs’?
- What is the value of a traditional website, versus a Facebook page? Where do you drive the engagement?
- How do you use social media? What is good “social marketing” ROI? Is your success measured by how many friends you have?
- What are the measurements that are most important for you to evaluate success of campaign or program?
4. The Brand Beyond Computer: Mobile, Tablets and the Future of TV
- What are the opportunities and challenges around campaigns for mobile?
- IS mobile even part of the requirements for a marketing campaign?
- IS the changing app/TV landscape and opportunity or threat?
- Where does marketing end and product development begin when looking into these platforms?